Monday, October 11, 2010

Send help

I love being a hostess, but I also hate being a hostess. Sort of like the Smeagol/Gollum situation.

A week from Sunday, I'm hosting my first Nintendo event! The American Heart Association is presenting, we'll get to play with Wii Fit Pluses, there'll be a delicious lunch and (shh, don't tell) a very exciting party favor for those who attend. Sounds fun right? And also, nightmarish for a hostess me as a hostess? Thing is, lovely Justine of Brand About Town has taken all the work out of it for me. All I had to do was invite people—even the invitation was set up, so all I actually had to do was enter names and email addresses.

Alas. In the two hours since I sent the invite, I've already checked the response list three times. Three Yes's: Justine, and my parents. Three No's. I could live tweet the progress, but who really cares. ME, THAT'S WHO.

Oh! And fun fact: Immoral Matriarch and Poobou are also hosting that day, so I'll get to meet some awesome bloggers. And then they'll know what a huge dork I am.

Seriously, what's with the negativity? OH MY GOSH! Self-Defeating Erin is back.